Avevamo navigato insieme nel '98 in Mediterraneo e da allora ci siamo praticamente persi di vista. Per noi é stato un viaggio nel tempo e nei ricordi. Per lui una nuova finestra che si apre su un mondo nuovo.
Ecco quello che ci ha scritto prima di partire:
“Life is not easy, man”. First, I thought it’s true. As longer I stayed on board of the Aquarius, it changed to “Life is easy, man”. You know why? To have the chance to share with you both, Marco and Enrica, this life on board simply erased the “not” of this expression.
To think that marine life is only interesting if you see “just” whales and dolphins, become so different when I had the chance to be with Marco on snorkeling trips. In few seconds you showed me so many “macro’s” in the marine life that I become curious about it. Fascination pure!
To think that humans on this islands are first at all “enemies” because some of the sailing guides have always a part of “beware of the many blacks humans on little surfboards come on your sailboat”. And than to discover that when you understand their needs, it changes 180°, this was impressive for me and it tribute the highest respect to Marco and Enrica.
How you handle things in your environment… Men, this make “life is easy”
Thanks you both for all the nice experience I could be a part of it.
Big hug, Daniel
Daniel, DANKE!!
Trascorriamo il pomeriggio a Young Island. C'é chi nuota, chi lavora al computer e chi si sgranchisce con una scalata su Duvernette.
Una colonia di Tubastraea coccinea con i polipi parzialmente aperti.

Uno Spotted Drum, Equetus punctatus, in un anfratto roccioso.
Una Flamingo Tongue, Cyphoma gibbosus nel suo abitat naturale, la Gorgonia.
Una varietà giovane di spugna tubolare, Aplysina Fistularis.

Una giovane murena maculata sorpresa accidentalmente fuori dalla sua tana si mostra particolarmente aggressiva.
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